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Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you find the answers to your questions here, however, if you need further information or have a question that has not been answered below, then please give us a call or drop us an email by clicking the link below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is it okay for my child to be taught in two different places?

Yes,  DFE accept that pupils may be allowed to access specialist educational activities on a part-time basis whilst still keeping their place at their mainstream school. Schools do have the authority to arrange for pupils to undertake part of their education outside the school premises in accordance with regulation 6(4)(a) of The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006. The session absent from school can be marked in the register as ‘Code B – attending any other approved educational activity’ meaning the School’s OFSTED ratings remain unaffected and full pupil funding is still received. At FSD we are very happy to liaise with schools to ensure they are totally satisfied with our package of safeguarding measure we have in place.

Do I need the agreement from my child's school to send my child to FSD?

Yes, in order for your child to attend FSD you will need to gain agreement between yourself and your child's Head Teacher and therefore it is essential that you have a discussion with your child's school to gain agreement for your child to attend FSD. We are happy to advise you on this further and are very happy to liaise with schools further to ensure partnership working can be agreed to ultimately ensure your child can access this provision whilst remaining on the register at their school.

What days and times is Flexi-SchoolDyslexia open?

FSD is open:-


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


Morning sessions start at 9.30am and finish at midday.

Afternoon sessions start at 12.30pm and finish at 3.00pm.

How much does it cost to send my child to FSD?
We are keen to make sure that FSD is an affordable option for as many people as possible.  We are convinced that you will agree that our prices are extremely good value for money as when Narinda was in the same position as you are now, she simply could not afford to send her daughter to a full time specialist provision as it was far too expensive, exceeding fees of private schools.  Therefore, when Narinda set up FSD one of her main objectives was to keep the prices as low as possible in order to ensure finance was not a barrier to attending our provision.
It is likely our clients will be eligible to claim something from a range of childcare benefits provided by the Government to help pay for your child's tuition with us.  Tax-Free Childcare is available to EVERYONE who is working and earning under £100k per year (per parent/carer; not household), and can provide up to £500 every 3 months (£2k per year).
  • If you claim Universal Credit, you can get a reduction of up to 85% from your fees.
  • If you claim Tax Credits, you can get up to 70% off your fees.
  • If you claim Childcare Vouchers, you could use these to pay for FSD fees.
You can pay for your child's sessions at our provision with any existing Childcare Voucher Scheme you are enrolled in with your employer, or you can access the new government tax-free childcare scheme if you are not in receipt of any benefits such as Universal Credit or Tax Credits.
If you are not eligible for any of the above allowances, one session at FSD costs £75
per 2.5hr session (am/pm) which includes a fully individualised learning package for the pupil and regular Progress Reports emailed to parents/pupil's schools.  This cost is cheaper than most private tutors and the teaching is far more specialised.


How much does an assessment cost?

Currently approximately £500.00 for a full diagnostic assessment by a Level 7 qualified assessor (referral required).

How do I arrange for a visit to Flexi-SchoolDyslexia?

This is simple, just phone Matt or Lucy on 07588 856544 or email  You can complete the 'Contact Us' form on the Admissions page or click on the 'Book an Assessment' link on the Home page, and we will get back to you to check your availability. 


Limited meetings with professionals will be permitted with advanced booking; these will be restricted to a maximum of one hour.

What is different about Flexi-SchoolDyslexia?
At FSD we aim to identify every child's individual areas of need and address them in a multi-sensory way that reinforces success, increases self-confidence and increases every child's understanding of their individual learning style.  At FSD we are not restricted by National Curriculum pressures, this means that if we need to return to earlier essential  learning that may have been completed in Reception/Year 1 (such as alphabetic knowledge), spend additional time reinforcing techniques or trying alternative approaches to gain understanding of specific principles, then that is what we will do, and we will keep going until the child can gain success.


At FSD, every child that attends has SpLD Dyslexia and associated co-occurring issues, therefore, new learners do not feel out of place.  In fact, pupils joining FSD always report feeling extremely comfortable with other children within the class, and report a sense of teamwork where everybody helps each other and feels comfortable enough to discuss many issues that reinforce understanding of the pressures they may face within mainstream education.  We work together to overcome these issues and find effective strategies to work through them together, and the sense of 'belonging' and pride in their FSD is astounding. 



What success have you had to date?
Over the past ten years we have worked with children from over 150 different schools across Kent, Medway, Sussex, Essex, Surrey and various London Boroughs.  So far we have seen exceptional outcomes for those pupils who have completed their time with us. We have all worked REALLY hard at Flexi-SchoolDyslexia over the past ten years and enjoyed every minute of it! 


We are amazed at the progress our pupils make in a short space of time.  Most of them came to us after having made no progress for the previous 2 years, it  is not uncommon for pupils to make an average of 2 years progress in reading, writing and numeracy in just 6 to 10 months of on average 2 sessions per week, some increased by 3 years within their time with us. 


We have now had pupils fully complete not only their primary school experience but now we have 3 years results of past pupils fully completing their GCSE's. We are very proud to report that ALL of our past pupils who have completed secondary school have passed English with a minimum of Level 4 or 5 and one of our pupils achieved an amazing GCSE Level 9 in English in the summer of 2021!!   


We did not set out solely to improve academic progression, we are much more concerned about children’s self-esteem, confidence and ability in basic skills, reading & writing, but of course, we were extremely pleased about these results. The pupils results have demonstrated that by using our approach, it is possible for children who were not making progress in their mainstream schools to go on and achieve GCSE results in line with their peers, exceeding their own expectation. This is something that we are extremely proud of. 

How will you support my child during learning activities at FSD - Flexi-SchoolDyslexia?

We will support pupils during learning activities by:-


• Providing individual support for learning activities.

• Organising equipment & being prepared for practical tasks.

• Ensuring learning tasks are scaffolded for success in groups or one:one.

• Feeding back to the team &/or parents on progress made or difficulties encountered.

• Providing encouragement and self-esteem enhancement throughout all tasks.

• Ensuring that we are helping & encouraging all pupils to find their own way, not judging their individuality and 'different’ approach to tasks negatively whilst ensuring they are able to go on to use their knowledge effectively in the classroom.

How do I get my child to and from FSD - Flexi-SchoolDyslexia?

Parents are requested to make their own arrangements regarding transition to/from Flexi-School, via themselves, another parent/carer/family member or taxi service. Transition must be agreed with the school in advance, and no pupil will be released unless the transition has been approved by the parent/carer. If transportation is an issue, please contact us on 07588 856544 to discuss your options.

Will you attend a meeting with myself and my school to discuss my child's attendance at FSD - Flexi-SchoolDyslexia?
We provide one complementary consultation regarding Flexi-School Dyslexia in order to provide information and to gain permission with potential pupil's schools.  This is a complementary service which is provided by Matt from 'Action4Dyslexia' as it is part of our ethos to build and maintain excellent relations with schools/educational establishments, and we welcome any opportunity to enhance this.


Matt will be very happy to assist you with your liaisons with schools; he has vast experience and spent 2 and half years as a senior manager for Kent County Council, within Patrick Leeson's Education and Young People's Services, where he managed  a county wide programme within Early Help and Preventative Services.  He has liaised with many schools across the County and has a thorough understanding of the legislation and issues that may concern educational establishments.


© 2015 by Algar's Academy for Learning

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